Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Contest

So I have been warning of a contest.
Sorry I was unable to post this before midnight.

So I have put in a Video Resume for I Wear Your Shirt, thus this entire contest will be revolving around my I Wear Your Shirt Video Resume.

The Contest that I speak of will net some pretty sweet prizes, however, every contest has to have rules.

The Contest is meant to gain views, comments, and viral sharing of this link -->

You will see the link numerous times throughout this post.

Rules for the contest
1. No Spamming (multiple comments) on the video
2. The comment must have some body to it, saying "cool" won't cut it..
3. You must have ten individuals (directly related to you) to be officially entered.
4.  These ten individuals must leave a comment on the video.  They can then share the video and try to gain their own ten people as well, if not more.
5.  If the video reaches 1,000 comments there will be more than just one prize (probably some pretty sweet t-shirts, since that's what this is about).
6. You must send me a message with each person's name.  *Please wait and send a message with ten names at a time, to save us both time and messages.

That's all it takes, share, comment, gain comments.  There will be an event created on Facebook tomorrow lining out what I will be giving away as a grand prize.

*contest is subject to change at anytime.  Prizes will be awarded depending on if I actually get the job.  That's the whole point of this, is to help me get the job.  So if you want to win some really sweet free prizes then share, tweet, and post this sucker up.  Anything you do will help move me towards the job!  Thanks!

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